Severe burns are some of the most painful and life-altering injuries that a person can suffer. They can result in expensive hospital bills, time missed from work, long-term disability, and even death. If you or someone you love has suffered severe burn injuries due to someone else’s recklessness, you need to speak with the knowledgeable Roanoke burn injury attorneys at the Lichtenstein Law Group PLC about your options for pursuing the compensation you deserve.
Our respected Roanoke personal injury attorneys at the Lichtenstein Law Group have over 100 years of combined litigation experience in a variety of burn injury cases, ranging from auto accidents and defective products to wrongful death.
Our burn injury lawyers have a long track record of success in the courtroom, securing awards in excess of $1 million for our deserving clients. We know that full and fair compensation can mean the difference between getting top-notch medical treatment versus minimal care that will not sustain burn injury victims in the long run.
Schedule a free consultation today to discuss your case with a knowledgeable burn injury attorney in Roanoke. With offices in Roanoke and Charlottesville, our law firm works with burn injury victims throughout Virginia. We do not charge any fees upfront to start on a burn injury claim, and you only pay attorney fees if we recover compensation for you.
In the aftermath of a serious accident, your focus should be on your health. However, recovery is a long process. A successful personal injury claim could save your family from financial ruin and provide for your needs in the future.
The burn injury lawyers at Lichtenstein Law Group can take the pressure off you by handling everything related to your personal injury claim, including all communication with the at-fault party’s insurance company.
It is important to know that Virginia is one of the few states that still uses a “pure contributory negligence” doctrine in determining fault for an accident. That means the other person has to be 100 percent responsible or you can’t collect. It also means the at-fault party’s insurance company will likely try to push some of the blame for the injury onto you to avoid paying you.
You need a knowledgeable Ronaoke burn injury attorney on your side to prevent insurance companies from taking advantage of you during this difficult time. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.
Burn injuries can cause permanent damage in an instant. However, thanks to the miracles of modern medicine, many victims can survive even with burns on over 90 percent of their bodies. While survival is certainly a wonderful gift, that hardly means survivors leave burn centers unscathed. All too frequently, they are left with severe scars, a risk of serious infections, and the promise of future surgeries and skin grafts.
The emotional ramifications of a burn injury cannot be overstated. Adjusting to life after any traumatic accident is usually accompanied by a grieving period, where survivors mourn for what is lost. A burn injury can be a daily reminder of the traumatic incident, the acute pain it caused, and what that means for the future for the survivor and his or her family.
Finding a way to move forward may involve years of therapy to recover from the emotional trauma, even when the physical wounds have mostly healed.
The ultimate consequences of burn injuries depend on their location and severity. Your doctor will classify your burns by degree. For example:
No matter where you are in Virginia, the dedicated burn injury attorneys at Lichtenstein Law Group can meet with you for a free consultation about your potential personal injury claim. Contact us today to discuss your legal options.